Mert az utazás nem tűnik el. A felfedezés élményét most is átélhetjük!
Kedves Utazóink, Foglalóink, és Szállásadó Partnereink!
Nehéz héten vagyunk túl mindannyian.
El kell áruljam, hogy talán a legnehezebb hetén, pedig ez az oldal a 2008-as válság közepén jött létre, így soha nem ijedtünk meg a kihívásoktól.
Ez a mostani helyzet azonban mégis más. Aggódunk a szüleink, gyermekeink és magunk egészségéért, és néha tehetetlennek és tanácstalannak érezzük magunkat – akár az iskolák bezárását, vagy egy szálláshelyen a vendéglemondásokat látva.
Szobák, szolgáltatások
Utazást tervez Csehországba? Érdemes megnéznie a Hotel Bílý Beránek Kralovice nyújtotta lehetőségeket! 18 kényelmes szobával és két apartmannal várja vendégeit Kralovice településen a hotel. A vendégek számára a hotel saját éttermében ízletes helyi ételeket kínál. Az autóját a helyszíntől parkolóban ingyen parkolhatja le. A foglaláshoz tartozó pontos felszereltséget és elérhető szolgáltatások teljeskörű listáját a szálláshely lenti adatlapján, illetve a megfelelő szobatípus adatlapján tudja megtekinteni.
A megjelenített szobaárak minden napra magukban foglalják a helyszínen fogyasztható friss és bőséges reggelit. A helyszínen grillezési lehetőség rendelkezésre áll.
Készpénzzel, átutalással és bankkártyával tud a helyszínen fizetni.
Érkezés, nyitva tartás
A szobák elfoglalásának legkorábbi időpontja 14:00, a legkésőbbi távozás időpontja pedig 10:30. A recepció munkatársai hétfőtől vasárnapig 07:00 - 20:30 között állnak rendelkezésére. A munkatársak csehül tudnak Önnel kommunikálni. értékelés
1 vendégértékelés összesítése alapján 9,4-es pontszámmal "Nagyon jó" minősítést kapott a a hotel.
Fedett uszoda a közelben, Táblajátékok, VÁrosnéző sétarepülés, Úszás a közelben a természetben, Mozi a közelben, Színház a közelben, Disco a közelben, Kerékpárút a közelben, Tornaterem / sportcsarnok a közelben, Golf szimulátor a közelben, Aquapark - a közelben
Kikapcsolódás: Túra lehetőségek (a közelben), Horgászás (a közelben), Nightclub (300 m távolságra), Kaszinó (30000 m távolságra), Golfpálya (15000 m távolságra), Bowling (a közelben)
Helyszín jellemzői
Konferenciaterem, Kávézó, Kerthelyiség, Lift, Szobaszerviz, Akadálymentes, Kisállat bevihető, Bár
Pénzváltó, Nemdohányzó terület, Kültéri uszoda a közelben, Borozó, Speciális diétás menü/gluténmentes menü, Söröző a közelben, Internet kávézó, Cukrászda a közelben, Vasútállomás a közelben, Repülőtér a közelben, Gomba szedés, Játszótér a közelben, Buszmegálló a közelben, Kültéri teniszpálya a közelben, Egészségügyi központ a közelben, Többnyelvű személyzet, Terasz, Bevásárlóközpont a közelben, Dohányzásra kijelölt helyek, Express check-out, Express check-in, Taxi, Recepció, Park a közelben
Szabadtéri főzési lehetőségek: Grillezési lehetőség
Pizzeria, Konyha, Snack bar
Étkezési lehetőségek: Saját étterem
14:00 órától
Beszélt nyelvek
Elfogadott pénznemek
CZK (Kč) , EUR (€)
Idegenforgalmi adó
Az ár tartalmazza, mely 18 éves kor felett 10 Kč / fő / éj (164 Ft / fő / éj)
hétfőtől vasárnapig: 07:00 - 20:30
Szálláshely foglalási feltételei
Terms of trade: Companies: Jaroslav PolákHotel Bily Beranek Kralovice with itsregistered office at Chomutovská 1361, Kadaň Identificationnumber: 44524072for the saleof accommodation services through the on-line booking portal at 1. Orderingstays• You canorder a stay only in the form (telephone reservation, by e-mail, or by fillingin and sending the form on the website). • The order ofstay is accepted by a written confirmation of the authorized person by theequipment of the hotel Bílý Beránek in Kralovice. • Reservationsand booking can also be accepted and confirmed by providing a valid credit cardnumber as a guarantee. In case of non-use of services, a fee will be chargedaccording to the cancellation conditions. • On-linereservation is binding. The scope of contractually agreed services and pricesis bound by their breakdown in the booking confirmation. 2. Prices andservices Approximateprices of accommodation and any other services are listed in the presentationmaterials of the accommodation providerhotel Bílý Beránek Kralovice (website,brochures, etc.). However, the price stated in the accommodation voucher(hereinafter referred to as the voucher) is binding for the customer. For the scopeof contractually agreed services and prices, their breakdown in the voucher isbinding. The Accommodation Provider is entitled to change the agreed conditionsof stay in cases beyond its control (e.g. force majeure). 3. Bindingreservation• Bindingreservation means the obligation of the Accommodation Provider to reserve forthe Resident an agreed number of accommodation places for the agreed date andat the same time the obligation of the Resident to use this reservation at theagreed time, or to pay the cancellation fee to the Accommodation Provider if hecancels his binding reservation or uses it only partially. • In the caseof a binding reservation, the landlord may require the guest to pay a depositof 30 to 100% of the total price in advance. • The landlordshall return the deposit reduced by the cancellation fee to the accommodatedperson no later than 7 days after the Resident's written notification of thecancellation of the binding reservation on the last day of the prematurelyterminated stay. 4.Cancellation by the customer, withdrawal from the contract and cancellationfees The customeris entitled to cancel the order at any time prior to arrival. Cancellation ofthe stay requires a written electronic form (email with acknowledgement of receipt)to the address The date and time of sendingthe email is decisive for determining the period of cancellation. For largergroups, individual cancellation fees may be negotiated. The landlord will notcharge the customer the above cancellation fees if he could not use the agreedservices for the following reasons: death in the family, hospitalization of thecustomer or a member of his family, serious illness, call-up order, naturaldisaster. The customer is obliged to prove the above facts by a writtendocument to the landlord no later than 3 days after their occurrence. • Nocancellation fee will be charged 24 hours prior to arrival. • Forcancellations less than 24 hours prior to arrival, 100% of the total price of thestay will be charged as a cancellation fee. 5. ValidityThese businessand cancellation conditions are an integral part of the accommodation order andaccommodation voucher. The General Terms and Conditions define relations withpersons or partners with whom a bilateral business contract has not beenconcluded. 6. Paymentterms • The price ofthe stay can be paid by the client at the reception of Hotel Bílý BeranekKralovice upon arrival in cash or by credit card. We accept the most commontypes of credit cards (a list of credit cards that can be used to pay the priceof the stay is available at the reception). • The price ofthe stay can be transferred by the client before arrival by bank transfer tothe bank account of the Hotel Bílý Beránek Kralovice or via the Gopay paymentgateway • The pricesinclude a fee (accommodation), which is collected in the amount determined by agenerally binding decree of the relevant municipal authority. • When payingfor a stay booked through an online reservation, the following procedure mustbe followed: a credit card number must be provided as a guarantee of the onlinereservation. Credit card details are only available to the hotel. Afterbooking, the card will be charged for the entire stay or 30% of the deposit ofthe entire stay and the balance on the spot at the reception of Hotel BílýBeránek Kralovice in cash or by credit card. 7. Rights andobligations of the client • Byconcluding the accommodation contract, the client acquires the right to thenormal use of the rented premises, the accommodation facility that guests canuse normally and without special conditions, and regular service. The clientmust exercise his rights in accordance with any hotel guidelines or guestregulations (house rules). • The clienthas the right to complain about any deficiencies in the services provided. Thecomplaint is obliged to be filed in a timely manner, without undue delay, sothat a remedy can be agreed, if possible on the spot. Application on the spotitself will allow the removal of the defect immediately, while with the passageof time the conclusiveness and objectivity of the assessment and propersettlement of the complaint becomes more difficult. • The clientis obliged, at the latest at the time of departure, to pay the agreed price,including any additional costs incurred due to special services requested byhim or by guests accompanying him, including statutory value added tax • The clientis liable to the landlord for any damage caused by himself or the guest orother persons who, with the knowledge or according to the client's will, usethe services of the accommodation provider. 8. Rights andobligations of the Accommodation Provider• The landlordmay provide the client/guests with adequate alternative accommodation (of thesame quality) if it is acceptable for the contractual partner, especially ifthe difference in accommodation is negligible and substantively justified.Factually justified is a situation where the space(s) has become unusable, whenthe guests staying at the moment extend their stay, when an excessive number ofreservations has been made or other important operational measures conditioningthis step. Any additional costs for alternative accommodation are borne by theaccommodation provider. • The landlordhas the right to bill for his services at any time or to bill themcontinuously. • The landlordis obliged to provide the agreed services to the extent corresponding to hisstandard. 9. Changes tothe Services 1. Theservices offered in the facilities of the Hotel Bílý Beránek Kralovice maychange during the year. The client is obliged to follow the current offer ofservices. 2. For unusedordered services and for changes in ordered services during the stay(accommodation, meals, services) the landlord does not provide any financialcompensation. 10. Finalprovisions 1. The GeneralTerms and Conditions enter into force on 1 June 2023. Changes and additions tothese terms and conditions may be individually modified between the landlordand the client only in writing. 2. Thepersonal data of the client provided in the order of stay shall be used by the landlordonly for the contractual relationship between the landlord and the client. 3. These GTCare considered within the meaning of Section 1751 of the CC to be part of eachindividually concluded contract and their full wording is published by theAccommodation Provider on the hotel's website. 11.Out-of-court settlement of liers 1. In theevent that a consumer dispute arises between the hotel and the consumer arisingfrom a purchase contract or a contract for the provision of services, whichcannot be resolved by mutual agreement, the consumer may submit a proposal forout-of-court settlement of such a dispute to the designated body forout-of-court settlement of consumer disputes, which is: Czech TradeInspection AuthorityCentral Inspectorate – ADR DepartmentStepanska15120 00Prague 12. Contact e-mail for any suggestions for complaintsand telephone contact for online complaint resolution: 1) 2) mob.: +420 602 890 "Accordingto the Act on Registration of Sales, the seller is obliged to issue a receiptto the buyer. At the same time, he is obliged to register the received revenuewith the tax administrator online; in the event of a technical failure, within48 hours at the latest.", if the taxpayer records sales in the normal modeat the given point of sale.